Smart Appointments
Booking Appointments just got easier! Our intelligent calendar understands your clinic's availability, so we get your clients booked with ease while minimizing overlap!
Streamlined Labs
Working up labs in WHSKR is exactly as it should be, simple and intuitive. Kick-off your tests and view the results with a simple click while updating your invoices automatically.
Intelligent Inventory
Identifying low stock and ordering supplies is like clockwork with our intelligent inventory system and our integration with VetCove! Cut ordering time and save on supplies with the vendors you love!
Reimagined Reminders
Stay focused on the patient and let us keep you updated on everything else. From calling clients to turning off the lights at the end of the day, you can create reminders and set alerts with ease!
Text & Email Check In
Allowing your clients to automatically confirm and check in for appointments not only frees up your staff's time but helps to eliminate the no-shows by being connected to devices closest to them.
Front Desk Kiosk
Let your customers get checked in while ensuring you have the critical information your practice needs without any hassle with our intuitive Front Desk Kiosk.
Client Communications
Sending Emails and Texts to clients has never been easier! You're not developers, so you don't need to code when you just want to check on your patients. Our system allows you to simply focus on what matters, your client.
Automated Migration
Being completely cloud-based has its perks! We provide automated migration from other PIMS systems to make getting you set up and running with ease!